Saturday, July 24, 2010

Early Saturday

he boyz are getting up early for a ride this morning.  Early for them anyway, I would already be on the trail if this were a weekday. 

Last week was typical week of base building.  Swimming every day for lunch, and either a bike or a run in the morning.  A mile swim, although not fun, is getting pretty easy, I am going to start doing more, since on good days the mile only keeps me in the pool for 30 minutes.  I probably should run at least twice a week, I have been only running once a week, just because I enjoy Mountain biking so much more than trail running.  I don't want to loose the base I built for the LA Marathon. 

I'll be running the LA Marathon again this year; registration is already open if you want to run it with me.  I'll be looking to make a 3:45 this year, 20 minutes off of last year's time.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4rth

Spent the weekend in the mountains riding bikes an motorcycles. Had some great workouts and great adventures. One of which was dropping my motorcycle in a 3 foot deep creek and having to turn up upside down to empty the water out of the motor to get it running again.


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