Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Government Shutdown - S-T-U-P-I-D Blamegame!

It's close!  The colored bars are planned training, and the black bars are completed training.  About 6 weeks to go! The red bar is Ironman Arizona (IMAZ) race week.

Now after all this work, the children up on capitol hill aren't playing nice and because of their bickering, the pool on base is CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!  I figured my training would be derailed by a bike crash or some _itis not POLITICS!  UNBELIEVE UNBELIEVE!!!

I figure these brats are going to bicker right through the debt ceiling vote, which is 15 days away, so I need to figure something out quickly.  I didn't see this one coming. #dumba$$es #congressionalGridlock

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