Wednesday, August 19, 2009

214 Days to go

I was on the bike again this morning at 0530. Supposed to be an easy semi-recovery day; NOT! Of the 53 minute ride, 34 of the minutes were aerobic (level4). Joke: You know the difference between a Rider and a Runner? A Rider smiles when he is anaerobic! I know that few will find it funny, I crack myself up. I hit another personal best this morning 4minute 31 second per mile average. The human body is amazing, after so many years of riding, there is always possibility for improvement. You truly do choose the body you have. I’m back in the running shoes tomorrow (bummer).

I have a 70 – 80 mile Desert Race (Motorcycle) this Sunday, so I’ll keep going on my training schedule or run-ride-run until Saturday. I’ll rest Saturday in hopes to pick up 1 of the four remaining wins I need to become an Expert (A) Desert Racer. I’ll get back on the bike Monday.

Well that’s the plan, thanks for reading and supporting, I need all the help you can give!


Anonymous said...

Ok, when is enough, enough? I find myself enjoying food way toooo much. That hot cheesy piece of lasagna is now sitting at the bottom of my full belly....oh and let's not forget the hot crunchy garlic bread and guess what? I am not liking it. I had to come back to your blog to remind myself that I can train myself to change.....but how? I too Iron man have a challenge ahead of me....So when I say "You can do it" we all can.....right? Si se puede...

anonymous....and fat

Dan Wilson said...

First off I get a sense that you are a person of faith I won't explain this. Gluttony is according to some, a sin. Then there is the whole my body is a temple spiel. I don't believe either of course, but we each find our own motivation in life. I am blessed (so to speak) to have found mine before it was too late. You my blog commenting consumer need to make a decision. Do I want to change? Ask yourself that before every meal, happy hour, doughnut day and taco Tuesday. You CAN choose the body you want!