Sunday, February 28, 2010

Peak week complete!

2 20 mile runs within 15 days, add a few 8s and 12s and a bunch of 5s and it's all easy from now untill race day. I only lost 4 pounds today during the 20 miles compared to 6 last time. 4 pounds is about right. I ran it in 3 hous and 18 minutes, pretty slow but I have a cold and ran a fast 10k yesterday. I will be faster on race day.

I can't believe I have come so far since my very first run 6 months ago. The work has paid off!


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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Peak Week

This week is the peak training week caped by 28 miles this weekend. If I can get through this injury free I will be ready to marathon.

Last week I ran 35 miles. This week will be 43 then less each of the three remaining weeks.


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Sunday, February 14, 2010

25 mile weekend

Ran 5 Saturday about half of it in the dirt. Today I ran 20, practicing my marathon strategy and expermenting with nutrition gels and cheewies and stuff. It went pretty well. The marathon seems less daunting with a 20 miler in the bank. I am back on schedule now; feeling great about that.

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Friday, February 12, 2010

Only 38 days left...

and I am getting there.  I can run for miles at my desired marathon pace and only have a heart rate of 110 or so.  My leggs are what I am not sure about.  I'll find out Sunday as my training plan has me running 25 miles over the two-day weekend.  I am not looking forward to the test, but am focusing on the what the results will teach me about myself mentally and physically.

I am not concerned about my weight anymore; 170 will be my Marathon weight.  This is not the time to deprive my body of calories.  I might even put on a couple of pounds.  Fat stores alot more energy than muscle does, and I will need it.

Wish me luck.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Superbowl Sunday

Ran on the hamster wheel through the entire Supercross lights and the 450s. 12 miles, 20 for the weekend and 35 for the week. I still have a lot of work to do. Forrest Gump is my hero!


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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Rainy weekend

The treadmill I recently purchased is paying dividends on all these rainy days we have been having. Ran 8 miles today at 7 mph. That is myarathin goal. That ahold keep me under 4 hours even if I walk through the water stations. NGU!

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

46 days to go...

I didn't feel like running for an hour last night so I just ran faster.  Ran 5 miles in 35 minutes and went to bed.  Probably do the same tonight.

Monday, February 1, 2010

48 day to the LA Marathon - I'm BACK!

I ran 68 miles in January, so at that rate I should be able to do the matathon in about a

I feel great today after running 12 miles yesterday, I even took a leiserly 12 mile Mountain Bike ride with a buddy today!