Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Memories of my first marathon

In no particular order:
230 am wake up
2 hour drive
1 hour shuttle
30 minute wait for outhouse
Delayed start
Running shoulder to shoulder
Chills I am really doing this
Spectators everywhere
People cheering me using my name
Lots of hills
Live bands
Water cups everywhere
People in their church clothes
Gay couples
Pete the wheelchair racer
The Rider turned triathlete from Calgary on the shuttle
Energy from the crowd
Pain at miles 21,22,23
Strength at 24,25,26!!
Running strong at the finish
My greatest mental and physical achievement
4 hours 5 minutes
Receiving two medals
Finding a friend in the finish chute
Proud Dad
Congrats from everywhere
Lunch by the pier wirth my family
Wearing a paper blanket
Walking normally
21 year old in cardiac arrest at mile 18

Special thanks to all that have supported me, especially my fmaily.

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