Monday, March 28, 2011

The ‘dream’ how important is a goal vs. the personal meaning.

I not sure how to describe fuzzy line between important and meaningful.  My athletic goals aren’t important to anyone else in the world and are insignificant in comparison to the events presently taking place on our planet.  There is tragedy, disaster, suffering and war all around the globe.  My family country and job are important and I would not neglect any of them in pursuit of my dreams.
I have failed miserably to convey how much qualifying for Kona means to me.  I think it shows in my commitment to training, but there is so much more.  I think if I share a dream I had recently it might give you some idea.
So there I was (in my dream).  It’s a typical morning in Hawaii, partly cloudy, about 70 degrees and fairly humid.  The breeze is light but noticeable.  There is a comforting calm as athletes all around me are making final preparations.   I’m in my swim gear sitting on the ground next to my bike.  All of my gear for the day is prepped, organized and ready for the day ahead.  There is nothing left but to take in the moment.  The entire dream was just about that one moment, probably less than a minute.
I laid back and looked up at the palms swaying in the wind and realized that I had done it; I’m here with the best athletes in the world at the Ironman World Championships.  I cried.  I woke up tears of happiness were still gushing from my eyes as if it really happened.

1 comment:

chdoyle said...

I hear you Dan. I got teary eyed this year as I was waiting to get thru the starting gate to get to the beach and it was only my first 70.3 Ironman! A years or more spare time for one day of personal glory. I am gonna be a mess before the REAL Ironman July 8 2012. Ironman is really the ultimate sporting event.