Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Validation - Triathlon at Edwards AFB 2-25-2012

It is nice to see the work pay off.  I got 4rth place in the first triathlon at Edwards AFB.   It was a sprint distance, 500M swim, 12.8 mile bike and 3 mile run.  It was a good time and most important, I beat all my work buddies and own the bragging rights around the office.  SWEET!
The pounds are coming off slowly.  My training focus is SLOWLY building my run mileage back to 25 a week and getting more comfortable in the water…BREATH!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Its weird

When did exercise change from something that I do to who I am. At what point in time did exercise become training and when did I first consider myself an athlete? The quest has changed me; I can’t imagine what the finish will do.

I swam 2 miles in one hour today after being out of the pool for over 6 months. I can ride a bike over 20mph for 5 hours. I can run a marathon in 3 and ½ hours. The changes are good.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Weight Management for Triathletes

...so I read this book a few weeks ago and one of the recommendations for motivation was to put your head on your favorite triathletes body.  So first I pasted my head on Rinny's body and that was just weird!  So here is my mug on Macca's body.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

So Things are Looking Positive Again

So things are looking positive again after a long on again off again relationship with my left hip flexor(s).  I building my running back up and am currently at 25 per week which is pretty easy for me.  I think I ‘ll look for around 30 or 35 as a base running mileage while I get my weight problem figured out.
Yes I have a weight problem.  I have been a “chubby” guy most of my life and when I set out to be a triathlete the pounds quickly dropped off from 220 to 165.  Great! Right?  Well I also have a 141 IQ and with all that brain power I quickly learned how to exercise 2+ hours a day and still gain weight; a master of compensation.  As I sit right now I am 180, 5 or 6 of that weight is water retention after the Tour De Palm Springs Century ride I did a couple of days ago, but even 175 is a problem.  At 5 foot 10.5 inches tall I need to get down to 160-ish.
Ok back to the positives, I rode my 2nd century ride this past Saturday it was 102.8 miles and I completed it in 5 hours and 21 minutes.  A very respectable time considering all of the traffic signals in Palm Springs.  My average speed including all of the stops was 19.3MPH.  I now have the speed on the bike I need to reach Kona and I have the Marathon time.  I need to start competing more and LOOSE SOME *^%&% WEIGHT~!