Friday, August 21, 2009


It’s a Dancing in the locker-room, 5FDP, singing in the shower, one hander, tail whipping, and fist pumping Friday. On the bike for a respectable, 2 seconds of my best, ride this morning. Knees are still holding up too!

As I was about to ride off in the dark this morning, a coworker approached me in the parking lot. She said “them coyotes is out there waiting for you”, I laughed and thought it’s the cougars in the office that scare me, not the coyotes in the desert.

The apple to my tree is joining me this weekend at the races for some Daddy Daughter alone time; I’m looking forward to that.

Wish me luck at the races, you might not hear from me until Monday and then again maybe you will.

Happy Birthday Dad!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well one would expect that a cougar should motivate you to run faster. So when you see a cougar remember run not towards it but away and fast. Good luck racing this weekend, enjoy and be safe my friend.
