Wednesday, November 18, 2009

123 days left

I didn't start my marathon training so I continue to rehab my legg. It is almost better, maybe two more weeks. I think I can jump into the training at that point since I am already able torun 16 miles. In the mantime biking and the climber don't hurt my leg so I am continuing to train 2 hours a day and dropping weight at a good pace. I should be under 170 in two weeks. If this were easy...well u know.

Never Give Up!

Sent from my iPhone


Anonymous said...

What's up with that leg of yours? Sounds like you are doing great considering that leg. 170 wow! I think I am gaining what you are (dont lose anymore.

Dan Wilson said...

The leg is healing very slowly. Probably won't run in december either. The leg is about 80%.