Monday, August 31, 2009


You never know what’s around the next corner, so preparation is paramount.  Today I drove to work in the smoke from the ongoing fires in LA.  I figured I would not be able to work today.  The smoke cleared up as I approached my beloved Edwards AFB and I began to debate with myself if I should or could ride this morning.
Well what do you know, I broke my personal best pace by 3 seconds per mile, not much, but I’ll take it!  I rode the usual 12 mile loop Averaging 4 minute and 28 second miles.  Tomorrow is stats day where I tell you how fat I am and how hard I’ve worked to stay that way.  See Yah!

Sunday, August 30, 2009


I’ve started to develop a pattern on my running days. The minor aches and pains of this 46 year old body don’t go away until I get three to four miles down. I ran a tad over 7 miles today. I forgot to start my Garmin so I don’t have exact numbers, but somewhere between 7 and 7.5 miles. Pretty slow pace over 9 minute miles, it was difficult to run this morning on so many levels. Never Give Up!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

204 days until the LA Marathon

Good Morning. I am pleased to write that I did NOT have tire problems this morning. Eesh! I rode the local motorcycle trails this morning. I love it when the moto guys do a double take when they see me up on the ridgeline. I passed a couple of guys resting, come on dudes, you have motors! I rode 12 miles, burned 802 calories, should make up for the endless pasta I had last night at the O Garden. Have a great weekend. Tomorrow is another foo foo shoe day, blah! Don't forget to sign up for the LA marathon Tuesday, they are limiting the number of entries this year.

Friday, August 28, 2009

205 to go

On the bike this morning did the usual 12 miles off-road in 54 minutes and 11 seconds. Had to stop twice to put air in the front tire; I can’t believe I have had tire problems every day this week, I guess my luck just ran out this week. Tomorrow is my rest day, but I’ll probably take a short ride in the morning and then run on Sunday. You all have a great weekend.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Road to Ironman, whew! What am I thinking? I not a world class athlete, not yet anyway. Baby steps and short term goals, are the only way to keep on track, the only way to keep me sane amongst all the training, pain and ibuprofen that lies before me. March 21, 2010 the LA Marathon, I’m calling that a baby step? Holy crap, what have I gotten myself into?

I ran 7.24 miles this morning. The pace was decent; all of the miles were below 9 minutes which is my unspoken Marathon goal. Average pace was 8 minute and 39 second miles.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

207 days to the LA Marathon

On the bike this morning, pressing hard like I had a goal or something. Unfortunately had to stop and fix a flat, too many flats lately damn it! Even with the flat I put down a respectable 55:29 for the 12 miles (fixed the flat with superglue and CO2 in 2 minutes) and felt like I did some good.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

-208 days to the LA Marathon

Not feeling very chatty this morning. Body is still beat up from racing with a flat front tire (crashing). I set out this morning to do 5 and ended up running 7.5 miles and averaging just below 9 minute miles. I felt good while I was running, but I feel like crap now. Have a great day – Never Give Up!

Monday, August 24, 2009


WOW, I feel like I was used as a punching bag last night. I have bumps and bruises everywhere, they will heal soon, but that W (win) lasts forever!

I forgot my towel this morning and contemplated not working out. That would have been weak! I rode my usual 12 miles at a slow pace this morning, just out for the fun today not the fitness. I need a day to recover from the race. Showered up and dried off with paper towels…NO EXCUSES!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


I won my desert race today. Rode the last 40 miles on a flat front
tire. Tough!

I am celebrating! 3 more wins to make expert.

Sent from my iPhone

I owe you a decent report, so here ya go:

It was what it was. It was about a perfect weekend. We missed our family; It wasn’t the same without them. We sat without needing to speak, we talked too. It is such a calm experience hanging with someone that IS you. Thanks for coming this weekend kiddo.

Well the “official” results aren’t out yet but the finisher board had me finishing 1st in my classification. That should reduce the number of required transfers to 3 for an expert plate. I rode the last 40 miles on a flat front tire. Now I know why most guys that pit with a flat front tire quit. It was a tough call to go back out into the desert rocks with a lame machine. It was a tough ride. But wait I have data...

The data is surprising. My max heart rate recorded during they race was 10 bpm greater than I have ever experienced. Before today I thought my Maximum heart rate was 170, but it hit 180 during the race today. The data indicates that this race was equal to at least triple my normal workout. Time in cardio zone 5 was an incredible 1 hour and 28 minutes, zone 4 was 45 minutes. What this ultimately means is that, at least from a cardio point of view, I have the capacity to significantly up my game, and that the dicision to quit racing sould be revisited.

Ahh, mountain bike on Monday - blis.

There is no way your weekend was as better than mine, but I hope it was AS good. C YAHh!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


I don't know what to do with myself this morning. The family an most normal people are asleep and I am not working out. Today is recovery day for the race tomorrow.

I am going to wear my HR monitor during the race tomorrow to see how much of a workout Desert Racing is scientifically.

I'm thinking that the first of every month will be stat day. I'll give you all the gory details of my work and results. I'll include stuff like resting heart rate time and distance spent
in each activity. BMI, weight and maybe a picture. Any thoughts on what else I should track?

Well I guess I'll go hook up the 5th wheel and get going. Blog you tomorrow.


Sent from my iPhone

Friday, August 21, 2009


It’s a Dancing in the locker-room, 5FDP, singing in the shower, one hander, tail whipping, and fist pumping Friday. On the bike for a respectable, 2 seconds of my best, ride this morning. Knees are still holding up too!

As I was about to ride off in the dark this morning, a coworker approached me in the parking lot. She said “them coyotes is out there waiting for you”, I laughed and thought it’s the cougars in the office that scare me, not the coyotes in the desert.

The apple to my tree is joining me this weekend at the races for some Daddy Daughter alone time; I’m looking forward to that.

Wish me luck at the races, you might not hear from me until Monday and then again maybe you will.

Happy Birthday Dad!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

213 day until LA Marathon

It is with a heavy heart that I address Blog Ville this morning. As I straddled the bench in the locker room this morning I contemplated the tremendous goals that I have set for myself, just an average guy. I looked at those dainty little running shoes with their mesh and gel and reflective materials, then I looked at my Kevlar mountain shoes with the steel cleat to attach rider to machine and I just could not do it.
I could not succumb to the temptation to deviate from a sound plan to succeed. Ha! Had you going huh? I put the damned foo foo shoes on and hit the streets of Edwards AFB at 0515. I ran 7.3 miles in an hour and 5.
Motivation is a fragile thing. What do I hear from a riding buddy this morning? "Gee I hope your knees hold up, you are 46 after all". Thanks buddy but I won't let it get to me.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

214 Days to go

I was on the bike again this morning at 0530. Supposed to be an easy semi-recovery day; NOT! Of the 53 minute ride, 34 of the minutes were aerobic (level4). Joke: You know the difference between a Rider and a Runner? A Rider smiles when he is anaerobic! I know that few will find it funny, I crack myself up. I hit another personal best this morning 4minute 31 second per mile average. The human body is amazing, after so many years of riding, there is always possibility for improvement. You truly do choose the body you have. I’m back in the running shoes tomorrow (bummer).

I have a 70 – 80 mile Desert Race (Motorcycle) this Sunday, so I’ll keep going on my training schedule or run-ride-run until Saturday. I’ll rest Saturday in hopes to pick up 1 of the four remaining wins I need to become an Expert (A) Desert Racer. I’ll get back on the bike Monday.

Well that’s the plan, thanks for reading and supporting, I need all the help you can give!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

215 Days to go

I ran this morning before sunrise. It was my first time running on base; I had to be back for a meeting. I timed it a little off and ended up cutting my run too short. 44:23 minutes 5.31 miles = 8.3minute pace. If I could do that for 26.3 miles that would give me a 3 hour and 38 minute marathon! I have a long way to go, but plenty of time to get there.

I miss my mountain bike already.

Monday, August 17, 2009

8/17/2009 - 216 days to go

On the Mountain Bike this AM. Perfect conditions, nearing my personal best for the 12 mile 1000ft elevation dirt loop (53:18). Running tomorrow.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Road to Ironman 2013 Begins TODAY!

Hi my name is Dan Wilson. I am not really that into fitness but I love to ride. I ride my mountain bike nearly every day for about 65 to 70 minutes. I race off road motorcycle races on about half of the weekends 20 plus races a year. A friend has started calling me Rider. I like that call sign.

Today is 8/16/2009 the first day of training for Ironman 2013. My short term goal is the LA Marathon March 21 2010. So for a while now that will be my focus. I decided not to quit racing yet, as I have a couple more goals to achieve there too. Since I have never been a runner my goal this morning is a slow easy jog for about an hour with no distance in mind. Wish me luck!

I walked about 1/8 mile to the end of my street and picked the line where the old road met the new road and started to run. It wasn't what I expected, as I crossed that line my eyes welled up and I thought I am really going to do this. I ran 6.26 mile in 62 minutes; maybe a rider can become a runner.