Tuesday, August 25, 2009

-208 days to the LA Marathon

Not feeling very chatty this morning. Body is still beat up from racing with a flat front tire (crashing). I set out this morning to do 5 and ended up running 7.5 miles and averaging just below 9 minute miles. I felt good while I was running, but I feel like crap now. Have a great day – Never Give Up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pain is a price we pay for a lot of good things....Yes that nice pair of shoes that appear to only fit 3 toes...well guess what? I have 5 toes on each foot. Those tight jeans that slenderize us...wow! but when they come off how good we feel. Exercising can be painful but just think of how good you will feel not to mention how good you will look. I am sure you are a healthy looking person...so remember all the pain will pay off in the long RUN!!!!!....