Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I did not work out today...weird.  Tomorrow is stats day, hope I didn't gain any more weight!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


5 miles on the hamster wheel before I caught the carrot. Ran 3 solid then 2 interval style...Ran as hard as I could until my heart was jumping out of my chest, then recover, then repeat. Pretty good workout for a rodent.
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Monday, September 28, 2009


I hope that this is how I feel after the full marathon. I feel great today after running a half marathon yesterday. I felt so good I went for a 12 mile MTB ride this morning feeling fully recovered. I am traveling again so probably hit the hamster wheel in the morning. NGU!

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Sunday, September 27, 2009


'really was not “feelin it” this morning so instead of the normal 7 miles I decided to just do a half marathon and call it a wrap. Yeah, 13.54 miles at a 9:02 pace that’s what I’m talking about. I kinda get the idea that I better do some more of these longer runs before race day. I feel fine now, but it was challenging.

Never Give Up!

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Good morning everyone! I rode my mountain bike this morning for 12 miles on the local motorcycle trails. No crashes today; nice finish to the week.
Never Give Up!

Friday, September 25, 2009


Happy Friday everyone!  It is a beautiful morning out there, I hope you get out and enjoy it before it gets too hot.  The sunrise over Roger’s Dry Lake is brilliant gold this morning mixed with a healthy runner’s high; spectacular!  While you were sleeping I ran 7.48 miles averaging 8:43 minute miles.  Have a great weekend.  Blog at you tomorrow.  Never Give Up!
Rider out.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

178 Days to the LA Marathon

I took some extra time at lunch today and rode 16.6 miles in the 90+ degree heat. I’m learning that when training as much as I have been I can feel the effects of sleep and nutrition more than before. I could tell that the ½ peanut butter and banana sandwich that I ate a 530am had worn off by 10am when I went riding. I can also feel that some protein right after a workout cuts the recovery time dramatically. I have read that when you start to train more that you learn more about your body, its recovery period, nutritional needs etc; I am finding that true now that I have pushed my training over 8 hours a week. My goal is to be training 12hrs a week within the next two weeks. I’ll be adding an hour of swimming to the routine three time a week or more.

Never Give Up!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


As I ran in the dark this morning, as engineers often do…I thought about turning right at each of the three main intersections to cut my run short this morning.  I figured given the following I deserve an easy day today:
  1. My legs are sore from the prior days workouts
  2. My ankle that I have broken three times has been bothering me
  3. My toe still hurts and is bleeding a little
  4. Most of my right forearm is a scab

Then I thought about what I wanted to write in my blog today, and what I wanted to write is that I ran 7.44 miles at the fastest pace so far.  I averaged 8:37 miles, almost the exact goal of my LA Marathon run, so that is what I did.

NEVER Give Up!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Not sure why, but my legs are really sore today. I think I might be catching a cold; hope not. Since I'm not feeling well I decided to take it easy on the bike this AM...right. I forgot that plan as soon as my front wheel left the pavement. 4 minute 30 second miles is what I was serving up today. I do love to ride! Sent from my iPhone

Monday, September 21, 2009


While the rest of the world sleeps the Ironman trains, at least that’s what I tell myself to get motivated. I ran ALL of the 1:03 in the dark this morning the days are noticeably shorter now.

I ran 7 miles this morning averaging 9 minute miles, not that great. I wasn’t trying to run fast, I was just running along daydreaming and listening to music.

Have a great week, and Never Give Up

Sunday, September 20, 2009


The best I could do this morning is an hour on the Hamster Wheel (step machine) it said the distance was 3501 steps? Whatever it is at least I did something. Can’t go riding or running; watching my kids.

Never Give Up

Update: Wife came home and went to sleep, kids went to sleep, I went for a ride. 84 degrees out...perfecto! I rode my normal 12 miles. Took one decent dirt nap for good meassure. Bicycle tires in motorcycle ruts make it tricky at times. I prefer scars to tatoos ten fold, and nothing like a good scare to make you feel alive, I got both today.

I watched the 2008 Ironman championships on Hulu this afternoon, you must watch it; very well done.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

One Hundred Eitghty Three Days to the Run

I lost count somewhere, but:
It is 183 days until the LA Marathon
Or 6 months, 2 days excluding the end date
Or 15,811,200 seconds
Or 263,520 minutes
Or 4392 hours
Or 26 weeks (rounded down).
There is still plenty of time to loose 20 pounds and train for a marathon.

I’ve started eating protein in the mornings, like I have been told is the right thing to do for years, but ignored. I can actually feel a difference, I feel better when working and recovery seems to be quicker.

I rode the 12 mile Moto loop this morning on my Mountain Bike. I feel great today, hope you do too.

Never Give Up!

Friday, September 18, 2009

185 days to LA Marathon

As I blasted out of the parking lot this morning I thought to myself that it is nice to be back to work. I rode my usual 12 mile loop smiling most of the way and singing along to my heavy metal playlist. I love to ride, and most days that’s what gets my out of bed to go to work. My time was a “smokin fast” 4 minute and 26 second mile average…not bad for being of the bike for so long, might even ne a personal best.

I am pleased that I didn’t gain any weight on my trip, lord knows I ate a lot of crap and drank a lot of beer.

Never Give Up

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Got home at 11 last night. Took the day off to chill w the family. Good to be home. It was a fun but grueling trip. Gonna ride the bike tomorrow and see how my foot feels. Got to get back on track as quick as possible.

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hawaii 3

Headed home today after flying a local mission. No workout today. Man I am tired this morning and have a long day ahead. Aloha

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hawaii day 2

I taped up the foot and went surfing again this AM. I had a great time and a tiny bit of exercise. My toe is much better. I can definitely ride now and probably run in a few days. Life is good. Aloha!

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Monday, September 14, 2009


I had an hour between sunrise and work this morning so I hit the beach before sunrise looking to rent a surfboard. Unfortunately after my 3rd wave I cut my toe on the reef an it was bleeding too much to stay in the water. It is also going to screw up my running for at least a week. I am bummed.

I taped my tie up an went to work. We flew to the equator and the International Date Line today the back to Honolulu; boring.

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

I forget which day

It's weak but I'm counting the 5 mile hike to the Byron Glacier as a workout. Never Give Up.

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Friday, September 11, 2009

191 Days to train for the LA Marathon

I ran a few miles on the Hamster Wheel this morning. The machine said 4 miles, but it felt like 8. Alaska is beautiful, but a little cold this morning…meeyow! I should have ran outside this morning and got some fresh air. I’ll be sitting on an airplane for 10 hours today, going to see Santa!

Take a moment to think about 9/11 then go on with your life. Never Give Up!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day? Whatever!

Squeezed in a 5.2 mile run this morning at a blistering 8:22 min/mi. my best, had one 7:43 mile!
In the briefing for today's mission gotta go. Never Give Up.

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

193 days to the LA Marathon

I rode the usual 12 mile off road loop this morning at a nominal pace of 4:35/mi. It is gettting too dark to ride in the morning, I'll need to change my riding schedule soon. I'm leaving for Alaska tomorrow(for work), I plan on getting a short run in before we leave. I’ll try to update the blog, but might not be able. I’ll do my best to keep up on the training during the trip, but all the traveling might interfere. Never give up!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

194 days to the LA Marathon

Maybe I should change the name of this blog from iron man to tired man.  What an incredible weekend I had riding bikes and motorcycles up in the forest with some of the best people on the planet; I am a lucky man.
We rode about 150 miles of forest trails and 18 miles of mountain bike trails; I didn’t run over the long weekend.  I did run this morning, no GPS, not heart rate monitor, just me and the Kings of Leon.  I ran 7.44 in an hour flat, witch is race pace for me.  Hope your weekend was sweet too; manana.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Finally on the road 10am for 4 days of moto and mtb. Kennedy Meadows is awesome technical riding and I'm riding with a great group of guys. I'll do some work on the bike each morning before the rest wake up. I'll fill you in on all the details Tuesday. Never Give Up!

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Thanks to my cushy job, I was able to train again this morning.  Have I told you guys about my job?  My overly generous company allows me to train as much as I want as long as I do it before 6:30 AM or during lunch…who could ask for more?  Anyway enough of this Facebook rant.
I couldn’t smell smoke when I arrived at work at 4:45 this morning so I decided to go for a run in the dark as usual.  I did a 7.22 mile “Pace” run.  A “Pace” run is done at race speed, in my case Marathon speed which is less than 9 minute miles.  I ran the 7.22 miles at an average pace of 8:40 and was getting faster; my last mile on flat ground was 8:09.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

201 Days to the LA Marathon

Unfortunately there won't be any work today.  The fires in the LA mountains are covering the Desert in smoke.  I think its best that I sit it out for a couple of days.  I am taking a moto trip up to Kennedy Meadows in a couple of days, hopefully the air up there will be clean.

Here are my stats for the month, kind of so so.  On the negetive side, I need to get my weight under control, but on the positive side my resting heart rate is looking good!  I'll do better next month.

I signed up for the LA Marathon this morning, so I am commited ($125 bucks worth at least).  My formal Marathon training starts 11/16/2009, so I have a few more weeks to slack off like I have been lately.

How about a Tip of the Day, Slacker?
When someone unexpectantly "snaps" at you, give them some space, they could probably use a little "slack."

Have a great day.

BMI25.7 (FAT)
Running41 Miles6:35 Hours
Biking201 Miles18:07 Hours
Resting Heart Rate37
Totals 241 Miles24:42 Hours