Monday, August 31, 2009


You never know what’s around the next corner, so preparation is paramount.  Today I drove to work in the smoke from the ongoing fires in LA.  I figured I would not be able to work today.  The smoke cleared up as I approached my beloved Edwards AFB and I began to debate with myself if I should or could ride this morning.
Well what do you know, I broke my personal best pace by 3 seconds per mile, not much, but I’ll take it!  I rode the usual 12 mile loop Averaging 4 minute and 28 second miles.  Tomorrow is stats day where I tell you how fat I am and how hard I’ve worked to stay that way.  See Yah!


Jeenda said...

It cracks me up that your Mii is still FAT. lololol

Unknown said...

so this ironman thing.. is there a portion where you jump off your skiis and shoot at targets from the prone position? that would be really cool.

Anonymous said...

What a great goal and what an accomplishment this will be!! You can do it Dan!!!!! ~ Sheri